the thirties grind

get up, go to work, raise kids, pay bills, sleep. repeat.

Archive for the month “April, 2013”

The REAL Real Housewives of Vancouver: Christine Kizik

RRHOV ButtonChristine is a mother, owner of two small businesses, teacher, and wannabe homesteader.  She likes making things – from sewing to pottery, she’s always got one project or another in the works.   Christine lives with her husband and two daughters in Port Moody, just east of Vancouver.  Her latest creation, and what she spends most of my “free” time on is her family run skin care company, Lila Bare. She wants to ride her bike more often and wishes she had a chocolate tree. Read more…

“Mum’s Diet” – seriously? Does my kid need to be reading this?!

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My daughter’s little friend came home from school with a book in her home reading bag entitled, “Mum’s Diet.”  Above are snaps of a few of the pages of this book.  Basically, it’s a story from a child’s perspective about how his mom goes on a diet and how he hates it because when mom’s on a diet he only gets to eat lettuce and tomatoes.  He doesn’t even get to eat spaghetti (because that is SO unhealthy).  Read more…

Are you a Super Mom? Know one? Share your story for a chance to win a $500 prize!


Typically, when we think of a Super Mom, we think of the woman who has it all…great career, amazing family, kick-ass body etc. etc.  She can cook like Martha Stewart, balance a budget like Suzie Orman, and keep the house in order like June Cleaver…all while managing multiple children, a job, soccer practices, marriage and a home.

However, Super Moms come in all shapes and sizes.  Yesterday, I shared a compelling message from my dear friend Charlene, whose daughter – Ivy Sweet – has been battling childhood leukemia.  For me, Charlene is the definition of a Super Mom.  She displays the courage, positivity and resilience that one needs to raise a family, keep them safe and ensure they are loved.  She is a champion and hero for her little girl, who needs all the clout in her corner that she can get as she fights to be well.  All  three of Charlene’s little munchkins (who are all under the age of 4, by the way!!) are so lucky to have her for a mom…and I consider myself lucky to know such a wonderful person.


Do you consider yourself a SuperMom?  Do you know one?  I’m working with to find Canada’s Top Super Moms! Read more…

Sniffle or sneeze? Stay away please. A plea from a mom dealing with childhood cancer.

When one of my best friends told me her then three-year-old niece, Ivy Sweet, had been diagnosed with leukemia my heart sank.  As a parent, your greatest fear is for something terrible to happen to your child.  Charlene, Ivy’s mom, was living my worst nightmare.  Despite the rough hand she has been dealt, she continually amazes me with her positive attitude, resilience and faith during a time when it would be very easy to hunker down into a state of self-pity and depression.  Now, Charlene wants to help other parents who are going through what she has (and continues to, as the parent of a child being treated for cancer).  Her message – for all parents – is here:

ivy sweet Read more…

Absurd Vancouver Property (April 25, 2013)

Last week we had a look at properties in Halifax, Nova Scotia.  This week we move a little further west to New Brunswick.  Starting at $1.1 million we have this Cape Cod style home:

new brunswick

This country estate is located on over one square kilometre of untouched land and includes a 7 acre spring fed lake.  Extremely private and quality-built, this is a maritime oasis. Read more…

We’re done: knowing when your family is complete.

No sister

My daughter keeps asking for a little sister.  At first it was cute…then it started to evolve into a daily request, which became harder and harder to address.  I can relate.  Growing up as the only girl (I have two younger brothers) in my family I, too, yearned for a sister.  I’m pretty sure I even begged my own mother for one and I would say her answer was pretty much the same as mine…”Not a chance.” Read more…

The REAL Real Housewives of Vancouver: Eileen Velthuis

RRHOV ButtonEileen is a writer and editor with a passion for the written word, a fascination with caffeinated beverages, and a sometimes overwhelming desire to accomplish whatever her current project may be. You can find her on Twitter @eileenvee or on her blog where she blogs about — you guessed it — divorce parties. It’s not as morbid as it sounds. Read more…

Sparked Kids Crafts: review and giveaway!


My daughter is craft obsessed.  She loves discovering, creating and sharing…and often it is something made from nothing.  I, on the other hand, am not as naturally creative.  It sometimes takes me a lot of time and effort to think of new, interesting and engaging activities to keep my kids busy.  Yes, yes…I do know about Pinterest.  However, when you are a working mom of two, Pinterest not only gives you lots of fantastic ideas, but it can also make you feel pretty inadequate when you don’t have a lot of time to dedicate to actually putting them together.  So when I found out about Sparked Kids Crafts (a Vancouver Island based, monthly subscription service that conveniently delivers educational arts & crafts, science and imaginative play activities to children ages 3 to 7), I was pretty darned excited. Read more…

Run for your lives!! Taking fear after Boston to the extreme.


Every once in a while I get comments on this site that make me scratch my head.

I recently wrote a small, personal piece about my thoughts around the Boston bombings and how marathon runners have the incredible tenacity needed to overcome such tragedy.  The few replies I got were mostly positive, reaffirming my personal belief that the human spirit is tough to rattle.  One responder, however, felt that being positive and having faith in the concept of good winning over evil was too “Pollyannaish”… Read more…

Vancouver house for sale by owner: $830K

Photo credit: Martin Charlton

There are no words.




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