the thirties grind

get up, go to work, raise kids, pay bills, sleep. repeat.

Do your babysitters do more than sit?

So…when I was a babysitter not so long ago (indulge me) I didn’t just “sit”. After the kids in my care went to sleep, and before I retired to the couch or tied up the phone line for hours on end, I would often do dishes fold laundry or some other kind of extra work. I always asked the parents before they left if there was anything extra they’d like me to do. Of course, the teenage me secretly prayed they wouldn’t come up with anything but I always complied when something was requested. I think I made $5/hour…maybe $8 in my hay day.

I often pay babysitters between $8-12 an hour and I have only ever had ONE do some extra chores (and she was a nanny by day).

I also played board games with my charges, brought along crafts and sometimes even did some baking. Yup…I was a regular Mary Poppins.

Now…I should say that I have never asked for one of my sitters to do some extra work…but I think I am afraid to because I have been told this is no longer the norm. Is this correct? I’m dying to know what everyone else’s experience it. Is it too much to expect for a babysitter to go above and beyond these days?

Do your babysitters do more than sit?

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